Candidates who fail to provide documents requested during the police officer application process will have their file marked discontinued. WARNING! There is no appeal from a discontinued status.
Candidates that receive a NOPD or Notice of Proposed Disqualification have thirty (30) days to appeal their disqualification.

To succeed in an appeal it is best to hire experts to assist you. Depending on your level of interest in this job, the investment may pay off over the long run if your appeal is successful.
You will need both an attorney and a Mental Health Professional that specialize in disqualification appeals. Attempting to appeal on your own may cause you to miss out on important opportunities to make crucial arguments that could turn the appeal in your favor.
Having been a civil service disqualification appeals attorney for more than 18 years, I have extensive knowledge on how to appeal a NYPD Disqualification. Over the years I have helped many clients win their appeal. I can help you too.

If you have questions about your NYPD disqualification and you would like to schedule a free consultation, please contact me at 516 248 0040 to discuss your appeal
Email: [email protected]
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