NYPD Disqualification – NOPD
The first notice you will receive when you are NYPD disqualified is a Notice of Proposed Disqualification or NOPD. You…
How to Avoid a NYPD Character Disqualification
YOU MUST BE CANDID AND HONEST… If you have been arrested you must check that your arrest appears on your…
NYPD Disqualification FAQs
WHAT MUST I DO EVERY DAY AS A CANDIDATE? If you are processing to be a NYPD officer you must…
Use Caution when Filling Out Candidate Assessment Division Forms as Part of NYPD Police Officer Application Process
The best advice you can receive if you want to be a NYPD officer is to get your Certificates of…
What to Do if You Receive a NYPD Disqualification
We are here to assist you if you receive a NYPD Disqualification… Feel free to call us at 516-248-0040 or…
Rights of Disqualified NYPD Candidates
DCAS is New York City’s personnel department. DCAS has delegated the task of investigating applicants to the NYPD. You can…
Factors Considered in NYPD Character Disqualifications
When appealing a NYPD character disqualification, what are some factors being considered? Frequency of violations or infractions, such as arrests,…
3 1/2 Hour 2nd Psychological Interview Resulted in Reversal of NYPD Disqualification
One of my clients was recently called to a second psychological interview with the NYPD. The interview lasted 3 1/2…
Appealing a NYPD Character Disqualification
View Post If you receive a NYPD character, NYPD psychological or NYPD medical disqualification feel free to call me at…
Should You Appeal a NYPD Disqualification?
Some of the most frequent questions I receive: Should I appeal my Civil Service job disqualification? Well, consider what happens…
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