December 20

POST Personality-Based Competencies – Decision-Making/Judgment

Dimension 8: Decision-Making/Judgment:

Decision-Making/Judgment involves common sense and the ability to make sound decisions, demonstrated by the ability to properly and quickly assess situations to determine/take appropriate action. It also involves the ability to examine information to determine what is/is not important, and then use that information effectively. It includes:

• Thinking on your feet, using proper judgment and efficient problem solving skills;
• Prioritizing competing demands;
• Developing creative and innovative solutions to problems;
• Making proper decisions after collecting and considering important information; and
• Applying deductive and inductive reasoning, as needed.

For more information regarding POST Personality-Based Competencies, click the link below:
Peace Officer Psychological Screening Manual

If you failed your NYPD Psychological Evaluation or have been disqualified for any reason and would like to schedule a free consultation, please contact Kevin Sheerin at 516 248 0040.




Facebook: Law_Office_of Kevin_P._Sheerin

Twitter: @DQLawyer


December 19

POST Personality-Based Competencies – Emotional Regulation/Stress Tolerance

Dimension 7: Emotional Regulation/Stress Tolerance:

Emotional Regulation/Stress Tolerance involves the ability to maintain composure and stay in control, even during high pressure emergency events and other stressful situations. It also requires taking negative aspects of the job in stride and maintaining an even temperament, as well as accepting criticism without becoming defensive or having it to hamper job performance. It includes:

• Accepting/owning personal limitations and mistakes;
• The ability to perform under difficult, threatening situations;
• Maintaining a positive self-image under adverse circumstances;
• Maintaining an even-tempered composure and demeanor; and
• The ability to properly use force.

For more information regarding POST Personality-Based Competencies, click the link below:
Peace Officer Psychological Screening Manual

If you failed your NYPD Psychological Evaluation or have been disqualified for any reason and would like to schedule a free consultation, please contact Kevin Sheerin at 516 248 0040.




Facebook: Law_Office_of Kevin_P._Sheerin

Twitter: @DQLawyer


December 19

POST Personality-Based Competencies – Integrity/Ethics

Dimension 6: Integrity/Ethics:

Integrity/Ethics requires maintaining high standards of personal conduct, such as honesty, impartiality and trustworthiness, as well as abiding by laws, rules, regulations, and procedures, which also means:

• Not abusing the system or using your position for personal gain;
• Not bending rules or otherwise attempting to beat the system; and
• Not engaging in illegal or immoral activities (on or off the job).

For more information regarding POST Personality-Based Competencies, click the link below:
Peace Officer Psychological Screening Manual

If you failed your NYPD Psychological Evaluation or have been disqualified for any reason and would like to schedule a free consultation, please contact Kevin Sheerin at 516 248 0040.




Facebook: Law_Office_of Kevin_P._Sheerin

Twitter: @DQLawyer


December 15

POST Personality-Based Competencies – Impulse Control/Attention to Safety

Dimension 5: Impulse Control/Attention to Safety:

Impulse Control/Attention to Safety involves taking proper precautions and avoiding impulsive and/or unnecessarily risky behavior to ensure the safety of yourself and others. It includes the ability and mindset to think before acting – to avoid knee-jerk reactions and instead act with consciousness to best address the situation at hand. It also includes:

• Driving and otherwise behaving within your own limits;
• Taking proper precautions to ensure safe performance;
• Thinking things through before acting (including the consequences of your actions);
• Carefully using and maintaining personal and agency/company equipment/materials;
• Safe driving practices during routine and high arousal activities; and
• Attention to and awareness of hazards.

For more information regarding POST Personality-Based Competencies, click link below:
Peace Officer Psychological Screening Manual

If you failed your NYPD Psychological Evaluation or have been disqualified for any reason and would like to schedule a free consultation, please contact Kevin Sheerin at 516 248 0040.




Facebook: Law_Office_of Kevin_P._Sheerin

Twitter: @DQLawyer


December 15

POST Personality-Based Competencies – Conscientiousness/Dependability

Dimension 4: Conscientiousness/Dependability:

Conscientiousness/Dependability involves diligent, reliable, conscientious work patterns, and performing in a timely, logical manner in accordance with rules, regulations and organizational policies. Conscientiousness/Dependability includes:

• Carrying out assigned tasks thoroughly, timely and successfully to completion;
• Maintaining a punctual and reliable attendance record;
• Persevering through many types of situations (i.e. unforeseen obstacles, difficulties, long hours and adverse working conditions);
• Staying organized;
• Being careful and paying attention to details (i.e. typos, missing/incorrect information);
• Staying current on new rules, procedures, etc.;
• Being accountable for your work, and analyzing prior mistakes/problems to improve performance;
• Performing effectively under difficult and uncomfortable conditions;
• Ability to keep your promise; and
• Continually works to achieve and/or restore trust with others.

For more information regarding POST Personality-Based Competencies, click link below:
Peace Officer Psychological Screening Manual

If you failed your NYPD Psychological Evaluation or have been disqualified for any reason and would like to schedule a free consultation, please contact Kevin Sheerin at 516 248 0040.




Facebook: Law_Office_of Kevin_P._Sheerin

Twitter: @DQLawyer


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