Apr 19

NYPD Psychological Disqualification Appeal

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18 years ago I helped a NYPD Police Officer candidate with their disqualification and won the very first appeal I ever had before the New York City Civil Service Commission. The candidate had made some poor decisions in life by using drugs during high school and being issued a summons for making graffiti.  Since that time I have helped many disqualified candidates win their appeals for various civil service jobs. I can help you too.

Part of the success I’ve had is working with candidates by telling the story of their life, their background and their issues to prove their psychological suitability or ability to perform the job despite some imperfection or issue.

It is so important to get the facts before you act. In order to get the facts, a client needs to be interviewed for a thorough, complete and accurate report of anything that forms the rationale for the hiring agency’s decision to disqualify them. In addition, there is document review, which requires an in depth interview and a careful reading of all information that constitutes the disqualification decision.

Understanding the appeal process is also important. Knowing what arguments will be compelling and decisive provides the best value to the client to assure the best chances of success.

One of my greatest rewards is hearing from a client that they have been successful.

Fortunately for candidates, the NYPD Psychological Disqualification appeal process lately has resulted in more reversals after a second interview at 1 Lefrak City Plaza in East Elmhurst, Queens. Preparation with disqualified clients has lead to increased percentages of reversals after the second interview. Tips and tactics and how to avoid the traps that could cause you problems are the main focus of the preparation.

It has been my pleasure over the years to assist disqualified candidates to open up and explain what has happened, and to take a deep dive into their past to understand not only the negative things but, also the positive things that make them a good candidate. This includes: 1) military veterans, including those who served in combat; 2) people who have overcome adversity in their life, including those with difficult upbringings and/or limited opportunities; 3) people who have struggled with learning disabilities, individual education plans (IEPs), Special Education, Resource Room, Dyslexia and Attention Deficit Disorder; and, 4) those who have used Attention medicines or have other challenges.

I believe you will be satisfied with your efforts to successfully challenge your NYPD Psychological Disqualification. This is a process that is already in place and there is no harm in filing an appeal. If you have a strong interest in law enforcement or the NYPD in particular, you will need to challenge the disqualification. Over the years, all of these successful challenges have proven that not every disqualification is correct.

If you receive a NOPD, YOU MUST ACT! Your disqualification will become final unless you appeal.

I would be happy to speak with you to discuss your disqualification.

Please call me at 516–248–0040 or email me at kevin@sheerinlaw.com

Please visit my website

Please visit my blog: civilservice.sheeerinlaw.com

Also, visit my Facebook
page which is Law Office of Kevin P Sheerin