January 17

NYC Jobs procedure

NYC Jobs procedure

Advance planning is required for those hoping to get jobs with New York City. The Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) serves as the City’s Personnel Department and writes, administers and scores the tests given for NYC jobs. Lisa Colangelo of the New York Daily News writes about City hiring procedures in the following article. click www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2010/08/04/2010-08-04_for_civil_service_jobs_think_ahead.html

January 15

NYPD Character Disqualification

NYPD Character Disqualification

Appealing a Character Disqualification from the NYPD

Frequently I get calls in my office inquiring about what would disqualify a candidate from the NYPD. The NYC Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) is the personnel office for New York City and they make the rules for applicants for NYC positions. On the DCAS website they list the following list concerning factors that may disqualify a candidate from the NYPD:

The following are factors which would ordinarily be cause for disqualification:

Conviction of an offense which indicates lack of good moral character or disposition towards violence or disorder, or which is punishable by one or more years imprisonment.
Repeated convictions of an offense which indicate disrespect for the law.
Discharge from employment as a result of a poor behavior or inability to adjust to discipline.
*Dishonorable discharge from the United States Military.
Conviction of an offense for Domestic Violence Misdemeanors.
*A Felony conviction.
Statutory Disqualification (disqualified by law)
The DCAS website overview of the NYPD application process can be accessed by clicking on the following link: www.nyc.gov/ht…/nypd/html/careers/application_overview.shtml
A candidate that receives a disqualification from the NYPD other law enforcement or civil service positions can contact my office to see if an appeal would be appropriate:

January 5

NYPD Disqualification

NYPD Disqualification

NYPD, FDNY, DSNY, Corrections disqualification appeals

The disappointment and frustration of receiving a disqualification letter from NYPD, FDNY, DSNY or New York City Department of Corrections can be addressed by taking action rather than giving up. One of the great parts of New York City civil service jobs is the New York City Civil Service Commission. The process of appeals has improved dramatically over the 15 years I have been helping disqualified candidates appeal their disqualifications. A new online computer application handled the appeal filing process.

I created this video to explain the civil service job disqualification appeal process.

Visit my website https://www.sheerinlaw.com/ for more information about the disqualification appeal process.

January 3

NYPD Disqualification

NYPD Disqualification

NYPD Psychological Review

NYPD Psychological Appeals- One chance to choose expert and obtain NYPD records

I am an NYPD disqualification appeals lawyer who has been assisting disqualified NYPD candidates who have received either a Notice of Proposed Disqualification for psychological reasons or a Final Notice of Disqualification for psychological reasons from the NYPD.

On the Notice of Proposed Disqualification letter, the candidate is given an opportunity to select an expert and have the NYPD psychological file sent to that expert for review and the preparation of a rebuttal report. If the disqualified candidate does not respond to the Notice of Proposed Disqualification the NYPD will NOT be released.

It is crucial that the disqualified candidate select a psychologist familiar with the appeals process to assist them. ONCE YOU SELECT AN EXPERT TO ASSIST YOU IN YOUR APPEAL YOU WILL MOST LIKELY NOT BE ABLE TO CHANGE YOUR CHOICE LATER.

Also selecting a psychologist that the candidate formerly had a counseling session with is also a poor choice.

When you receive a Notice of Proposed Disqualification or Notice of Disqualification from the NYPD Psychological Service Division please call my office at (888)998-9984 to discuss your options.

Also, visit my website www.sheerinlaw.com to read other NYPD disqualification lawyer cases and information #nypd #disqualified#disqualification #article78 #character #psych #medical #fdny #teacher #newyork#nyc #longisland #call #today

December 27

Factors considered in NYPD Disqualifications

NYPD Disqualification

Factors considered in NYPD Disqualifications

When appealing an NYPD character disqualification what are the factors considered?

The frequency of violations or infractions, such as arrests, moving violations or other incidents such as school discipline or work discipline. If you were suspended or expelled from school this would work against your NYPD Police Officer application. Also if you were late or disciplined at your job this would be a problem in your application. If you were terminated from one or more jobs without a good explanation this also would be something you would have to explain.

The severity of violations or infractions. If you were arrested and charged with crimes that are, felonies or misdemeanors that would be something you would have to explain on appeal. If the disposition or final outcome of your case was dismissal or a lesser charge that could help you in your appeal.

The recency of your last violation or infraction is also important your NYPD character appeal. If it has been a decade or even five years since your last infraction that could help you showing the New York City Civil Service Commission that you have changed your behavior for the better.

The three categories do not stand alone- they are considered together in your appeal.

If you have any questions about NYPD character appeals please call my office at (888)_998-9984 to discuss your case.

Please visit my website for further information. Click New York Civil Service Law attorney.

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