April 30

Should I Appeal or Withdraw from a NYPD Notice of Proposed Disqualification (NOPD)

Frequently the question arises, should I take action and file an appeal or withdraw from a disqualification.

The answer lies in the circumstances and facts involved in your disqualification. There may be occasions when more time between incidents that caused you to be disqualified is a good idea, and you may wish to withdraw and try again later.

However, there are very few benefits to withdrawing, if your ultimate goal is to be an NYPD Police Officer. The withdrawal letter states that the next time you apply for the job the disqualification file will be used in determining your suitability.

Accordingly, you may wish to proceed with the disqualification appeal, if your ultimate goal is to be appointed to that job.

If you have questions and would like to schedule a free consultation at my Mineola office, please do not hesitate to contact me at 516 248 0040.

Email me: kevin@sheerinlaw.com

Visit my website www.sheerinlaw.com

Read my blog about Civil Service issues: civilservice.sheerinlaw.com

Facebook: Law_Office_of Kevin_P._Sheerin

Twitter: @DQLawyer

nypd psychological disqualification appeal / nypd disqualification appeal lawyer / nypd psych appeal success rate / nypd psych disqualification reasons / nypd disqualification list / appealing nypd psychological / nypd nopd appeal success rate / nypd character disqualification

April 30

Can you get an attorney to help you with a NYPD Notice of Proposed Disqualification?

Law Office of Kevin P. Sheerin

Can you get an attorney to help you with a Notice of Proposed Disqualification (NOPD) from the NYPD?

The simple answer is yes.

The NYPD has recently started interviewing psychologically disqualified NYPD Police Officer candidates who received a NOPD, after the candidate was evaluated by an independent psychologist and their psychologist submitted an expert report on their behalf.

If you hire an attorney to prepare you for the upcoming NOPD interview, your chances of being successful greatly increase.  At times, these interviews morph into interrogations, and the proper preparation can help you handle any harsh questioning.

No one can criticize you for speaking with someone prior to an oral psychological interview.

I would recommend hiring a civil service attorney from the first disqualification so you are prepared, and can get the best result in your appeal.

Throughout my more than 18 years of experience as a civil service disqualification appeals attorney, I have helped many of my clients win their appeal. I can help you too.

If you have questions and would like to schedule a free consultation at my Mineola office, please do not hesitate to contact me at 516 248 0040.

Email me: kevin@sheerinlaw.com

Visit my website www.sheerinlaw.com

Read my blog about Civil Service issues: civilservice.sheerinlaw.com

Facebook: Law_Office_of Kevin_P._Sheerin

Twitter: @DQLawyer

Call 516-248-3494 or email kevin@sheerinlaw.com to speak about your appeal and schedule a free consultation with a civil service appeals attorney.

Visit www.sheerinlaw.com for more information about NYPD disqualification appeals.

Visit www.attorneyforteachers.com for more information about teacher issues.

nypd psychological disqualification appeal / nypd disqualification appeal lawyer / nypd psych appeal success rate / nypd psych disqualification reasons / nypd disqualification list / appealing nypd psychological / nypd nopd appeal success rate / nypd character disqualification

April 30

BE CAREFUL when hiring a Psychologist to help with your appeal…

Part of the appeal process for psychological disqualification is finding a psychologist who will help you, and make the strongest arguments for your candidacy. If the psychologist is unable or unwilling to look at your good points, strengths, adversities you’ve overcome, accomplishments, perseverance over hardships, and persistence in improving despite any difficulties or disabilities you may have had, then you should look for a different psychologist. The psychologist you hire should be on your side, advocating for you. Before you choose a psychologist to assist you with your disqualification appeal, ensure that you have an agreement with them, that if they don’t believe you are qualified, they will let you know beforehand, and they will not forward their report to any hiring agency, such as the NYPD, stating that you are psychologically unsuitable.

Beware of psychologists who charge you a very low fee, tell you they will help you and then do a superficial interview, as they may simply use the NYPD’s testing to confirm that you are unsuitable, and then send a report to the NYPD stating that you are unsuitable, without ever telling you. If this happens, not only did they not help you, but they have destroyed any chance you had of ever becoming a NYPD officer.

You should make a clear agreement with any psychologist you hire that they will discuss their findings with you before sending any report to the NYPD.

The psychologist you are considering MUST understand that they are supposed to be advocating for you, and if they don’t believe you are suitable, then they should let you know that they cannot support your candidacy, AND FURTHER AGREE that they will not forward any report to the NYPD if they come to such a conclusion.

If this does happen, at least you will have an opportunity to find someone else that is willing to help you and support your appeal.

You can read my e-book about the disqualification appeal process by clicking this link.


Here are two videos that discuss the appeal process.

Law Office of Kevin P. Sheerin

If you have any questions and would like to discuss the appeal process, please feel free to call me at 516-248-0040. You can also email me at kevin@sheerinlaw.com with any questions and let me know a good time to reach you for a free phone consultation or zoom consultation.

Email me: kevin@sheerinlaw.com

Website: www.sheerinlaw.com

Blog: civilservice.sheerinlaw.com

Facebook: Law_Office_of Kevin_P._Sheerin

Twitter: @DQLawyer

nypd psychological disqualification appeal / nypd disqualification appeal lawyer / nypd psych appeal success rate / nypd psych disqualification reasons / nypd disqualification list / appealing nypd psychological / nypd nopd appeal success rate / nypd character disqualification

April 20

Is it Worth Appealing a Notice of Proposed Disqualification (NOPD)?

It’s not going to get any worse. You are currently disqualified. It can only get better. You have two chances to succeed. You could win at a re-interview at the NOPD (Notice of Proposed Disqualification) phase. It is always important to have qualified and experienced mental health professionals and attorneys to help you, guide you and prepare you for any re-interview.

If you are unsuccessful, you have an appeal to the New York City Civil Service Commission which holds hearings and may rule that your disqualification was improper. This is a second chance to win. Naysayers and critics may claim that no one ever wins, but this is not true. Recently candidates have had their disqualification reversed at the NOPD re-interview. Additionally, candidates have had their disqualifications reversed after hearings at the Civil Service Commission. But, your disqualification will not be reversed if you do not take action.

If you receive a NYPD NOPD psychological disqualification, do not hesitate to call (516) 248-0040 or email kevin@sheerinlaw.com to schedule a free in office consultation.

Email me: kevin@sheerinlaw.com

You can visit my website www.sheerinlaw.com

Read my blog about Civil Service issues: civilservice.sheerinlaw.com

Facebook: Law_Office_of Kevin_P._Sheerin

Twitter: @DQLawyer

nypd psychological disqualification appeal / nypd disqualification appeal lawyer / nypd psych appeal success rate / nypd psych disqualification reasons / nypd disqualification list / appealing nypd psychological / nypd nopd appeal success rate / nypd character disqualification

April 19


There is some confusion among candidates about whether they must appeal a NYPD psych NOPD (Notice of Proposed Disqualification).

To clarify, you must appeal a NYPD NOPD psychological disqualification at the NOPD stage or your appeal will be dismissed.

The Psychological Services Assessment section file may only be reviewed by a licensed health care professional. Your only opportunity to have your Psychological Services Assessment section file reviewed during this administrative process will be at this time.


If you try to begin your appeal, as many people would advise you at the NOD stage, the NYPD Legal Bureau will move to dismiss your appeal for failing to exhaust your administrative remedies and failing to have your psychological file sent to your Mental Health Professional (MHP) at the NOPD stage. Your appeal may be dismissed.

If you have any questions, and you would like to schedule a free consultation at my Mineola office, please do not hesitate to contact me at 516 248 0040.

Email me: kevin@sheerinlaw.com

You can visit my website www.sheerinlaw.com

Read my blog about Civil Service issues: civilservice.sheerinlaw.com

Facebook: Law_Office_of Kevin_P._Sheerin

Twitter: @DQLawyer

nypd psychological disqualification appeal / nypd disqualification appeal lawyer / nypd psych appeal success rate / nypd psych disqualification reasons / nypd disqualification list / appealing nypd psychological / nypd nopd appeal success rate / nypd character disqualification

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