August 5

NYPD Disqualification due to inconsistent statements

The NYPD issues disqualifications to Candidates due to inconsistent statements. NYPD Candidates run into difficulty when they give inconsistent statements over the course of several written questionnaires and oral psychological evaluations.

For example, when applying for NYPD Cadet you may have said in response to a very common question: “Did you have a party for your 21st birthday, when it became legal for you to drink in a licensed premises?” You may write on a questionnaire yes I had a few beers and and some shots of liquor. Three or four years later you may be interviewing for NYPD Police Officer title and say “I did not drink on my 21st birthday. The drinking itself will not get you disqualified – it would be the inconsistent statements / answers and the perception that you are trying to deceive the interviewer. Word to the wise is keep those stories consistent because more often the act itself is not grounds for disqualification but the inconsistencies and the perceived deception will.

Please try not to have inconsistent statements during your evaluations.

If you receive an NYPD notice of proposed disqualification please contact me at:


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