What is an NYPD Disqualification-NOPD/NOD?
NOPD stands for Notice of Proposed Disqualification and NOD stands for Notice of Disqualification. Both are used by the New York Police Department (NYPD) to inform candidates that they have failed an exam or assessment.
What should you do if you receive an NOPDorNOD?
Appeal: You only have 30 days to appeal your NYPD Disqualification-NOPD/NOD so begin the process immediately.
Consult with an Attorney: You should hire an experienced lawyer to help you navigate the appeal process and argue your case.
What if the Disqualification is Psychological?
Get an independent evaluation: You should consider getting an independent psychological evaluation.
Prepare for a re-interview: You should prepare for an NYPD Disqualification-NOPD/NOD re-interview.
What happens if you do not appeal your Disqualification?
If you do not appeal the NYPD Disqualification-NOPD/NOD within 30 days, your appeal may be dismissed and you may ruin your chances of ever getting appointed to the NYPD.
It is imperative that you check your emails regularly.
You should check your email inbox and spam folder regularly during the application process so you do not miss any correspondence and/or deadlines in connection with your NYPD Disqualification-NOPD/NOD.
Should you hire a Psychological Expert? And when?
In the NOPD letter, disqualified candidates are given an opportunity to select a psychological expert and have their NYPD psychological file sent to that expert for review and preparation of a rebuttal report.
What happens if you do not respond to the NOPD in time?
If you do not respond TIMELY to the NOPD, the NYPD psychological file will NOT be released to your psychologist.
Who handles NOPD and NOD disqualifications?
The NYPD Candidate Assessment Division handles NOPD disqualifications, and the NYC Civil Service Commission handles NOD disqualifications.
Why appeal the NYPD Disqualification NOPD/NOD?
Appealing can increase your chances of being called back for another opportunity. It can also provide you with the chance to have your NYPD disqualification reversed. Taking no action will certainly prevent you from ever having your disqualification reversed.