civil service disqualification

Appealing a Civil Service Exam Disqualification

Appealing a Civil Service Exam Disqualification: Have you taken a civil service exam to become a police officer, fire fighter,…

3 years ago

For NYPD Disqualification Eligible List Expiration call DCAS Helpline 212-669-1357

If you are in the hiring process for a New York City Civil Service job and you would like to…

3 years ago

NYC Civil Service Commission Appeals

If you are disqualified from a New York City job, such as painter, electrician, computer specialist or any other job,…

3 years ago

NYPD, FDNY, DSNY, NYC Dept. of Corrections Disqualification Appeals

The disappointment and frustration of receiving a disqualification letter from NYPD, FDNY, DSNY or New York City Department of Corrections…

3 years ago

Appealing a Civil Service Disqualification (Video)

Below is a link to my video explaining the process for NYPD disqualifications, FDNY disqualifications, Department of Correction disqualifications, as…

3 years ago