appeal nypd disqualification

Rights of NYPD Proposed Disqualification Candidates

DCAS is New York City’s personnel department. DCAS has delegated the task of investigating applicants to the NYPD. You can…

3 years ago


If you receive a NYPD Psychological Notice of Proposed Disqualification (NOPD), you should appeal rather than try to explain this…

3 years ago

NYPD Psychological Disqualification Appeal Process The above video explains the NYPD psychological disqualification appeal process, and the steps you must follow to help you…

3 years ago

Should I Appeal or Withdraw from a NYPD Notice of Proposed Disqualification (NOPD)

Frequently the question arises, should I take action and file an appeal or withdraw from a disqualification. The answer lies…

3 years ago

Crucial to Check Your Email Inbox for NOPD and NOD Notices from NYPD

Candidates may have an overflowing inbox with 25, 50 or 100 emails a day.  If you miss a Notice of…

3 years ago